If you donate money to us, good things will happen. Maybe. |
| Running a site like this isn't cheap. It's free.However, someday we'd like to move onto a proper web host, and that's gonna cost money. The down payment has to cover the first year, and I'll tell you right now, ouch. Anyway, all donations are appreciated, and we hope you really enjoy the site. Now, we've moved to the web host, but I couldn't stand to edit that little paragraph. I just love it so. Doesn't mean you shouldn't donate; the money for the web host came outta our pockets. Also, in case you never saw the post, anyone who donates $10.00 or more (Canadian funds), will receive a signed gloss print of one of the lovable Twinkfish characters. When we've got some designs, we'll put them up here. For anyone looking to send money through conventional means (ie a check or cash in the mail) email either Lang or Lord Garvar for postal information, thank you. For the big spenders, a $50.00 donation (once again, Canadian funds), will give a loyal reader a guest spot in one (or maybe even two!) comics. All donators will recieve recognition on the Home Page the day payments are recieved. Make payments to ragingphoenix@gmail.com ^_^.