
April 28th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:15 pm \\

Oops. I did the comic a couple hours ago and forgot to upload it. I would apologize for the sloppy and sort of inconsistant updating but I've been busy and I'm still updating on the right days. And speaking of which, we are officially back on track.

Haven't had supper yet but I believe it is nearly time for the family's ritual consumption and afterward I will likely be heading over to Gibs' for a while, and when I get back I will probably update the pages but right now, meh.


April 25th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 11:53 pm \\

Ha, hahaha...I said I was done with the Kingdom Hearts II comics for now, and I am.

I'm such a bastard - the moment I saw the Kingdom Hearts III trailer, I knew I had to do this. I'm also damned lucky I got this done on time - about 4 minutes ago I sprang up, hit pause on the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children DVD I was pleasantly enjoying, and realised I had very little time left to update.

All of the excuses I have for that today are: Final Fantasy. Be it VII AC, IX, or XI. I didn't play KH2 at all today, which is a first since I - oh wait nevermind I played it for two hours.

Oh well, I have a movie to finish. Albeit it's 3/4 through the credits...I'm glad Quinton Flynn made an appearance. The name is Quinton Flynn - got it memorized?


April 21st, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 11:54 pm \\

Sorry folks, it's just the one comic tonight.

I was actually looking forward to making this update for some reason. Probably because I'm rather satisfied with how it turned out. Also, I promise, this is the last KH2-themed comic I am going to do for a while. Even though I've only done two, it feels like I've been doing nothing but it for weeks. So many hours that could have been spent playing Kingdom Hearts II. Alas, here we are.

Started working on the next comic last night; a good chunk of it is done but there is still plenty of work and two exams in between to be done.

I'm also actually writing again. None of that two day spurt-and-stop stuff. I'm working it into the schedule as a routine thing.


April 18th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 11:54 pm \\

Rather than admitting I screwed up and forgot, I present you all with this piece of shit.

I am sorry; I just did a terrible thing. The real comic was not going to be ready on time as I remembered it was about a third done by 11 tonight. Not enough time.

I'll try to get it done tomorrow and start working on the next comic, so that if I have them both done you will recieve two more comics by Friday instead of one.

Besides, some people might actually catch the homage.


April 17th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 9:16 pm \\

Sange directed my attention toward a very interesting article today.

Nintento and/or Revolution fanboys, eat your heart out.


April 14th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:56 pm \\

Let me start by saying, This was a fun, seven-hour-long pain in the ass. I've done nothing but draw and eat since waking up today (at 2) and my stomache is growling. I've also got more Calculus to study.

And so, without further adieu, I present you with this epic comic. I'm not going to do another massively-large comic like this one for a long time. As in, until this becomes my job. If it becomes my job. I'm not expecting it to. I'm going to go eat supper and try to make it to the gym on time for a change tonight.


April 13th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 5:22 am \\

Jeez Lewez. This comic is going to be like seventeen panels long or something. I've just gone on a working spree (hence the 5 in the morning post) and we're up to eight thus far.

Pray I get this done on time.


April 11th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:29 pm \\

Does this look like an update to you? It does to me, at least.

I've got two of my five exams done, feeling pretty good about how they both turned out, and now I have free time! It is a wonderful thing.

I know I've said this four or five times in the past already, but I'm trying to get back into Recourse for the few of you who know what I'm actually talking about. I'm hoping this is more than another one of those two hour drives and then it's gone again...I think I've got the push I need. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Also I'd post a preview of what's to come that everyone on my MSN list has seen, but it has not been uploaded so to hell with doing that. Vana'diel is vying for my attention.


April 10th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 9:40 pm \\

Things are taking a lot longer than I had previously anticipated, so I'm going to fall back on plan B and you're now stuck with regular Twinkfish programming for a little while.

I'll get these side projects done eventually (it's plural because I keep suckering myself into more of them).


April 7th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:05 am \\

Here's something new. Not only am I making good time, today everybody gets two comics! If you clicked the second comic before the first and was confused, heed this warning - it is nearly two megabytes in size.

Also some people may not find it inoffensive to the senses, but I know the individual who submitted it and there is some internal humourisms going on in there. Also some people like this silly sort of thing. Thirdly, the term "for sexual favours" comes to mind.

Don't ask.

I'm still slowly working on that super something, but I fear Tuesday is not a far-off-enough deadline. It's now exam season and I have exams on the first two exam days. I'm also still gorging on Kingdom Hearts II so I don't know how this will all turn out. I'll just have to work a lot harder and possibly a bit faster. Enjoy this bit of anger for now, however.


April 5th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:27 pm \\

A quick hello today. I am just posting to let everyone know that a god looks down on my Residence building.


April 4th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 11:39 pm \\

Don't worry people, Master Hunter Veev came through for us. So we all get a treat this time around.

I'm working on something big for my next real update. It'll take a little while, but I have already started on it and hope it to look pretty.

Posted by Lang! // Posted at 3:14 am \\

Hey people. Hope I didn't get your hopes up, but there's no comic tonight. Was just browsing the site, and noticed that the home page had run over, so I cleaned it up a bit. I have another piece of site-related news: I have managed to procure a PHP book, so over the summer I'm going to learn php and reprogram twinkfish accordingly! This means that Dr P, do not touch the site until I get back! I will be happy to work with you, but I want upgrading twinkfish to be my summer project.

Also, any other fans of Three Days Grace can listen to their new single over at their site. Their new album comes out June 13th, and let me just say that it's about damn time.

Well, that's it for me. Later!

Edit: Everyone with 25 seconds to spare click on this link. It is very very important.


April 1st, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 2:33 am \\

Make a new comic? Oh, don't really much have the time and/or energy for that.

But you should see my Gummi Garage. My creativity and engineering skills make Cid look like an amateur moogle.

And no, I am not making a post to make any sort of April Fools joke, because those suck ass. Tonight, however, my neighbor and I hung up a Fallout Boy poster I had bought earlier - and before you jump to the conclusion that I listen to awful, poseriffic and inarticulate trash-music - we fired at it for roughly two hours. While the guy in the top right did not suffer a single blow (I don't know who he is or what he does, but we're going to go apeshit on him when my video camera gets more batteries) over 1000 rounds went into the other three. There are now holes in this poster large enough to suggest it as a functional garment.

"Patrick" which I believe his name is, really ought to learn how to articulate, and maybe this won't happen. I will eventually take pictures of the remains. I think the poster is an improvement from its former state. I can leave it in my room without feeling like I'm defiling myself. That is all.
