
April 30th, 2007 uh

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 11:55 pm \\

What's he saying?

Guess what I forgot to do today.

Like it involves guessing. I had to move my brother home, and it was a relatively time and energy consuming activity. Here's to hoping I get it done tomorrow.


April 29th, 2007 uh

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 3:02 pm \\

Something's up ahead. Looks different!

I know, I didn't update yesterday. There was a reason for that. But first, today, more BRW for you. I'm a bit excited because I know what planet is next and I know what it's going to contain, and Pete and I are pretty ecstatic about that.

As for the non-updating yesterday. I'll do another issue tomorrow.

Yesterday I was busy finishing, and completely reorganizing the site for, the newest episode of PiG (commonly referred to as Garbege). Route 03 is a whopping sixteen and a half minutes long, which is the longest flash cartoon I've ever done, and I'm quite proud of it.

Of course, if you're not an avid member of h4xopolis (it is a forum), you won't get many of the jokes. Anyway, I had a few issues with the Flash player when creating the file, and I believe that Route 03, which originally had the trailer for Route 04, was just too long with the trailer intact, and froze at a specific time interval near the end. So the trailer is seperate now.

Like I said, I'm quite proud of how it turned out, despite some overlooked little bugs/errors in it. This is the first ever flash series that I have started, and stuck with, and by the time Route 04 is done, I'll have a compilation of over an hour's length in the series. Isn't that something...


April 22nd, 2007 uh

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 11:59 pm \\

Yeah! It's working!

I travelled through time in order to post the new BRW on time. And you're none the wiser.

Shut up.

Well, I had some gummi asses to kick. And the more gummi asses I kick, the closer I am to constructing the Landmaster, that which will terrorize the vast reaches of outer space with its superior barrel roll capabilities.


April 21st, 2007 uh

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 2:56 pm \\

Incoming message from Rob64.

We have a weekend, and therefore, we have a BRW up. I'll let this have a moment to sink in for the slow folk out there.

So, everyone made it through yesterday with their literacy in tact, I hope...

Final exams are now out of my way, and I think I fared well on 80% of them. And with classes out, it means I have three entire weeks of spare time, minus whatever time I put toward finding my next placement in Co-Op. Either way, I've now got the time to work a little harder on the next episode of Playing in Garbege. Well, not right now - I'm spending the lapse between school and work at my parents' house, which means daily yardwork. And since that's already out of the way, I'm going to flop onto a futon and boot up Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix. A mild proficiency in Katakana is actually starting to pay off!


April 15th, 2007 uh

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 9:36 pm \\

That was a close call, Fox.

Aw, fuck. I accidentally deleted this message, but here is a link to the BRW the news post referenced. I talked about my affections for Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories in this news post but I don't remember it and I'm not making a thinly-veiled attempt to re-write it, either.


April 14th, 2007 uh

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 6:02 pm \\

Huh? What?

After much toil and patience (thanks, in part, to Starfox Command) I have been able to upload the latest BRW. The server is being a pain in the ass right now, though. Just so you know.


April 9th, 2007 uh

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 4:44 pm \\

Yeah! It's working!

So obviously, if I'm going to make a post today, it'll link to the BRW comic. But wait, there's more!

I had a lot of fun creating this: an excerpt of "rejected Fox McCloud quotes" I whipped up yesterday.

I think I'll do more in weeks to come.


April 8th, 2007 uh

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 4:44 pm \\

Follow your father's example, Fox!

The first of two BRW issues is up now. There'll be another one for tomorrow, I reckon.

I also might have a little something extra.


April 7th, 2007 uh

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 3:12 pm \\

Bogey behind me. Am I gettin' slow?

Quickly dropping in to say that there is no BRW today, and tomorrow's will be late. I'll do one on Monday as well to make up for the fact that I can't do one today for lack of my PC.

I'm at my parents' house having a Happy Easter and whatnot. By the way, for anyone out there who has both eyes and ears and knows what Easter is, I would highly recommend checking out episode 1105 of South Park. It is rather hilarious, and also quite intelligent.


April 1st, 2007 uh

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 4:12 pm \\

Don't mess up that Arwing!

This conveniently located link does not lead to today's BRW comic.

April Fools.

Now that that's out of the way, I'm going to skip the bitching that results from the overwhelming state my petty excuse for an Academic life is in right now and just recommend that whoever hasn't already done so, I recommend you check out yesterday's post for a little treat.

That's all, folks.

I think.
