
December 30th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:33 am \\

I'd like to make an extensive post, but I have a feeling I am currently too lazy for it. I've also got some life affairs to settle, since my future is meddlesome and insists on getting in my way. Here's your update, regardless as always.

Okay I'll make it quick - Soul Calibur 3. I'm not going to say that it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it's a fighting game with a custom character creator. And to a guy like me, that scores big points.

We're not talking some pansy Male/Female Outfit1/2/3/4/5 bullshit. We're talking class, discipline, and almost everything for decoration but height, weight, and decals. Every detail has a large colour pallet (or two) to accompany it, and about 16 categories of equippable items. Or something like that. Check it out for yourself if you even remotely enjoyed SC3's predecessor.

Gibs and I were up all night two nights ago playing it. Didn't sleep a wink, and I went the next day without clonking out until a little after midnight. Soul Calibur 2 had that fun dungeon master mode that let you amble through an extensive story for a few hours, but SC3 has three or four one player modes, one of which is akin to a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game, allowing the already twenty-five-or-so-unique-storylines to have a few variables in their plots. A couple of battles are manditory in every run through the game, regardless of character or choice, and as a result are very irritating events if you're up playing it all night and have already beared witness to it two dozen times, but aside from that, it makes good money.

Good money for a catgirl-whore and a pirate hooker. Ah yeah.

Right. Back to present life-issues.


December 27th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:40 am \\

Well, this is it, friends and followers: the second last update of the year. Second last, so I's not it. Not yet.

Lucky we've gotten into the habit of updating things late at night; both Lang and I might be gone during the time period of mid-afternoon December 30th until January 1st, maybe. And not gone, per say, but at the very least over at Underwood's house. I'll try to keep you informed on the 30th, because you guys definately all give two shits.

Toodle-oo! /dumbsignoffline


December 24th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:33 am \\

Non-denominational good will to all, from everyone at Twinkfish dot com! Yeah it's just the three of us but oh well.

First off, I'm actually putting words in Lang's mouth for this; I haven't actually checked with him if he intends to spread good intention this holiday season. As for Dr.P, well, his contract doesn't expire for a while so we still own him, giving me the rights to force words from his mouth.

Still playing with my tablet; most of the shading, though subtle, was done with it. And with enough time (not spent playing Kingdom Hearts) it'll start to look better than normal.

Season's Greetings and shit.


December 23rd, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:33 am \\

Excellent; I'm posting earlier than I did on Tuesday, so nobody will notice that I've just spent the last 90 minutes finishing this. Certain things (Like the background in panel five) were just too time consuming.

Things might undergo a bit of changing around here - comic-wise, not the site itself (that's Langs perogative), and while it might get sort of shittier momentarily (Panel two) it will eventually start to improve.

"Why's that?" I will pretend you asked. Well, I've just begun taking what they call "the next step". and would like everyone to take a moment of their own time to say hello to my beautiful new baby.

Alright, so that's not an exact picture, but I'm too lazy to nab my camera to take a shot right here and now; the two don't look that different.

Of course, I think Dr.P is the only person right now who knows what potential this thing will have on a certain upcoming project.

You fixed your FTP, Doctor. Now's the time to stop being lazy.


December 20th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:46 am \\

I somehow managed to prevail against the shadowy darkness of my memory to come up with this for tonight. I would like to boost my schedule up a notch if I could while on vacation, because I have so muched damned time on my hands, but being home at long last has also given me other tasks to take care of.

My PS2 and television are in the same place. Lately I've been gorging a lot of my time to both Megaman X: Command Mission and Kingdom Hearts (I know, I know!) as we creep closer to Gift-mas, or perchance any other denomination you have chosen to believe in.

Hell, I've also got two Resident Evil games and the long lost Squaresoft title you didn't know about, The Bouncer, also on my Black Box of time-wasting.

I would like to speculate more on The Bouncer, but I've been so deep into MMX: Command Mission that I've barely played The Bouncer - I've only spent enough time on it to dub the first impression of it, a souped-up version of the other Squaresoft title you didn't know about, Ergheiz, for the original Playstation.

The fact that both were made in part by Dream Factory is a dead giveaway of relation. I purchased The Bouncer on the premise, "I've never played a bad Squaresoft game before, it's sixteen dollars, and half the cast look like FF8 cameos." and thus far I haven't been disappointed. There's almost a touch of River City Ransom in there.

Now that I've got the one family internet connection for the night, I'll take my attention to other obligations now.

I'm also fighting the urge to start another file in Kingdom Hearts. Shit I love that game. Therapy, please.


December 16th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:25 am \\

I would like to start this post off with a Public Service Announcement: Sup M'Lord. Thank you all.

As for tonight's comic...this was an exact quotation from a conversation I had with someone. The lass depicted as a "Guest" is unmentioned in the comic because I was talking to Megan and she said she didn't want to be identified and I'm obligated to respect her wishes.

I lew, though. Total Less-Than-Three.

Two exams left to write. Today. I'll either try to die, or die trying.

Two last notes I'm using the EDIT feature to add: One, it is also a true story that I have turkey in my fridge since Thanksgiving, which was in early October. Secondly, today's "Guest" is a vegetarian.

You know, turkey and all.


December 13th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:18 am \\

Just a smidgen past midnight this time around. Oh, cliffhanger!


Well, anyway - it's going to be fun getting the next comic out. I have four final exams between now and Friday, and next comic is a "drawn from scratch" comic (that I've fortunately already started) so it'll be a real treat to hole myself up in my room with studying and drawing and writing and whatnot for the next little while.

And for the gang back home reading this - anyone up for some getting plastered this weekend? I know I am.


December 10th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 10:08 pm \\

I was mildly under the impression that today had been a complete waste for me, but I was wrong. Kudos to you, Scott. Kudos to you.


December 9th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:31 am \\

I have exhausted any sort of witty supply of words that would pose as the text for the link to your new comic.

And I'm starting to hate Calculus.

I mean, Calculus was pretty cool before, with the exception of trig derivatives and definitions, but now it's just playing dirty.

Well I have to go mess around with the University's Wireless network and try to resolve things, so take your stuff and enjoy.


December 5th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:35 am \\

Yeah, I realise that I'm updating an hour later than usual today. Two reasons for that.

The fastest reason was, at 11:30, my neighbor and I decided to kick back and watch Monty Python's Life of Brian. I'm entitled to that sort of thing, thank you.

The second could be easily summarized with: The more often I travel, the more difficult it becomes. I was staying with some friends all weekend, and though they live about 35 km away, the trip from point A to point B takes almost three hours if not properly timed with a side of extreme luck. Suffice to say I'm forced to rely on public transit; I own no car.

I arrived back here at 6:30pm with nothing to show for Twinkfish's comic today, so I think taking the extra hour and a half was worth it. Notice you're getting pages, too? Hooray.


December 2nd, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 2:23 pm \\

...But I definately forgot that today was Friday.

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 2:06 am \\

I intended to make this post yesterday, roughly four hours ago, but on the way to the caf met up with some friends, and the MSN conversations I temporarily suspended with a "Be Right Back" ended up redefining the term with a four hour long detour.

I was posting to say, expect regular page updates now as well as regular comic updates. I do realise that the human body has not enough fingers and toes to count on how many times Langer and I have made this claim, but I actually have a reason this time around. I spent some of the evening writing a program to automatically generate comic pages with the user input of file name, title, format etcetera, so now all is well. You'll notice that everything is now up to speed.


December 1st, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:30 am \\


Say goodbye to Memory month and say hello to Presents month. I don't quite remember why we give people presents in December.

Oh no, I'm missing you already, November.
