Yes, I am pretty sure I am the only person left on the INTERNET to bat an eye at this website now; that may or may not change in the future. Doesn't matter. I'm still doing stuff - not comics, but drawings, cartoons, writing: it's just not making it onto anymore. Don't know why...
Maybe it was the whole Hey someone said they were going to completely re-write the layout so it isn't regurgitated vomit redundantly spewed into a rusty bucket left to congeal in the hot sun on a humid day, or maybe it's some other detail I'm overlooking.
FEAST YOUR EYES. edit: I have a much higher quality version of it but I haven't exactly been given the go-ahead for that, It's the watermark edition for you, bitch!, but keep in mind it looks even better than you think it does.
If, at some point, you thought, "Wow he has REALLY improved!" you can smack your head on a solid, preferably jagged surface, for there are two pieces of pretty damning evidence that I did not draw that. Specifying them would only elaborate on the foolishness I wouldn't want to promote.
It deserves a link for two primary reasons, and one secondary reason.
Reason one - look at it. It's freaking gorgeous.
Reason two - The art, t'isn't mine. The character, yes, she is. Side project I find time to do at work.
Reason one b - HI ALVIN, PERSON I VISITED FROM THE INTERNET ON SUNDAY WHO TOOK THE TIME TO DO IT like I said Thank You won't cut it but hey it makes one hell of a nice desktop background doesn't it?
Da, da da, da, nana I am listening to Wages of Sin by Arch Enemy since it came onto my playlist whilst I made this post so I'm content until I go to work for the last time this year.