
February 28th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 8:35 am \\

I forgot to update last night because I was drunk and now I'm hungover.

Also, I don't know what's happening on Friday because it's when our domain expires and I don't know if Lang has sent the order to resubscribe, because I don't think we got any money to him. So maybe we will be shut down for a little bit but I don't know.


February 24th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:40 pm \\

Wow, it's been one hell of a week! I've got lots of shit to talk about.

But I'm cooking supper right now. This is all you get for now.


February 21st, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 4:34 pm \\

Sorry, but you're only getting the image this time. All of my Twinkfish files have since been removed from this computer. Not that the HTML-generating program I wrote would be on it anyway.

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:06 am \\

A midnight post! I didn't think this was going to happen!

I would even have a midnight update if the comic was done. But I've already put a couple hours into it, it's ten panels long, and I have to do everything on this brutal Compaq machine. Argh.

At least I'm 80% done. And I finally beat Devil May Cry on Dante Must Die difficulty, which is the toughest thing I've done in a videogame post-1990. If only I had the memory card with me...

Blah, meh. Keyboard's noisy. I'm out.


February 17th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:27 am \\

Well, for some reason, I think every school in Ontario was cancelled yesterday, including the one I live in, so I was given a grace to get some work done. I'm not out of the hole yet, though.

Going to my hometown for a week tomorrow, so I have to work on yet another comic ahead of time so I have something for Tuesday - Dr.P, you lazy bastard! - and I have one last assignment to touch up after my lectures today.

And also beat Nightmare 2 on Dante Must Die! in Devil May Cry. It's gonna be one hell of a party!


February 14th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:22 am \\

Happy P-Day everybody!

Due to various technicalities we are postponing the Remorian Concert until a later date, but this is still on time.

I'm going to be without my computer next week, so my Tuesday and Friday posts are likely to be in the afternoons as oppose to midnight. I need to work ahead on top of my workload, and I'm lazy enough as it is.


February 10th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:02 am \\

I'm rather proud of this one.

As for the concert, I've recieved the current playlist of songs. It may change slightly between now and the 14th, but we won't know until we get there. It is likely to be adamant, as we'll need to practice these songs to get a feel for them.

Not a lot else to report, other than I'm busy with FFXI right now. So just enjoy.


February 7th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 11:10 pm \\

So I almost didn't make the deadline today, which would have sucked, seeing as I've yet to do so in over a year of comic making. But life's been a little heavy lately.

And despite time constraints, I managed to still put excessive and unnecessary detail into the last two panels of today's comic. I guess that's a plus. And yes - the monitor is a correct representation of the panel, up until the fourth iteration, where I think it becomes mostly blank. But it's about 2x2 pixels in size at that point, so there is no room for another iteration of detail anyway.

For all you Final Fantasy XI: Online players out there in Remora, some friends and I plan to host a concert in Jeuno next week. If you're around, be sure to check it out - the details are not worked out yet, but I'll keep everyone updated when developments arrive.

I'm so tired I forgot break tags.

Posted by Lang! // Posted at 3:39 pm \\

Hey hey hey people! As to the quality and effort put into my comic, well, I was busy programming all day yesterday, and at that point I did not want to do anymore work. That's basically how I felt at the end of the day. Also, seeing as it's now February 7th, everyone go by the new In Flames album, Come Clarity. It's real good ^_^. Later!  
Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:33 am \\

Oh shit. Twinkfish.

Well, exam.

Check back later tonight. If it is not up by 10 pm I am being lazy and you should all scream at me.


February 3rd, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:05 am \\

I debated doing nothing tonight, since I'm feeling rather tired, drained, and uninspired, but decided against it. And after that, I did some script-writing which I am actually rather pleased with. I am so clever sometimes.

So my entire residence building has been quarantined due to some viral outbreak, and now there are Disenfection stations and paranoia all over the place. Not to mention loads of warnings, bulletins, and latex gloves. And either I caught a really weak case of it last week, or I have yet to succumb to it.

Either way, I don't need that shit right now. I have an exam coming up. On the plus side, if the exam is as easy as the study guide...well, I'm in the clear.

I'm glad to see that Lang is actually keeping to his word and consistantly updating LoL, in spite of the fact that he can't be bothered to post on this page. I wish another certain individual would put forth a little more effort as well.

Unless he's doing everything offline. That's a maybe.


February 1st, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:05 am \\

Done the usual moving-shit-into-History-page routine. I've been working on something for Twinkfish that might - just might - require closing down the site for a day or two. Since I'm lazy, though, everyone will still be able to access things by typing in the URL, but things will be broken or missing or inconsistent when I get around to refurbishing.

Slept through two classes today because I donated blood yesterday and slept very soundly that night. I shattered my old bleeding record, too. But I must digress, as I need to finish the last of my lunch and boot my ass over to my next class.
