
January 31st, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:05 am \\

Hopefully this might clear up some of last episode's "What the Hell?"s. If it doesn' closer attention, damn it! I do like to foreshadow sometimes.

I'm keeping this post quick because:

A - I have to put more effort into my schoolings
B - Migs is suckering me into taking an online quiz.

Oh gawd damn it, I just found out that it's one of those "Dante's Inferno" quizzes. Look, I love Devil May Cry 3, but Hell isn't entirely real so there's no possible way to determine what layer I'll go to.

I guess I'll find out what layer I would go to, if it were real, and I answered completley truthfully.


January 27th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:05 am \\

Ehhhh, feeling a bit tired tonight! Well, here's something a bit different. I've kinda warmed to this.

Enjoy that. I'm feeling tired, though. Not gonna get much done on FFXI tonight, nope.


January 26th, 2006b

Posted by Lang! // Posted at 11:49 am \\

Honestly, I'm feeling far too lazy to put anything in this post besides a hyperlink to your much anticipated comic. Later!  

January 25th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 3:39 pm \\

If people really feel so inclined to send Pete their best wishes, his email can be found in the form of a hyperlink at the end of this sentence.

Posted by Lang! // Posted at 2:07 am \\

Wow, you people really owe Pete alot. He's becoming the backbone of the TF team. Feel free to thank him, because it's his fault that a new LoL comic exists for your viewing pleasure. Oh, and don't mind that every e-mail will be directed to me, since he signed off a little while ago I'm not sure if he'd be cool with me giving out his e-mail addy. But I'll be sure to forward them all right along, don't worry. Or you could e-mail them to Gary, just to spite me. Whatever works, you owe him alot. Anyhoo, I have class at 9:40 tomorrow, so I'm going to bed. Later!  

January 24th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:49 am \\

Once again we all owe my neighbor Pete a "Thank you" for reminding me to get my ass to work on Twinkfish, ere you'd get an early-afternoon update when it finally dawned on me that I needed to make a comic.

I had something else to say...but I don't remember. Damn it.

Oh, I remember! I uploaded some photos of my new and improved Dorm room furniture, but until I can bother to create an index page for the Miscellaneous uploads, either MSN me for the links or tough shits. I'll try to get it done tomorrow, though...Today, I mean.


January 23rd, 2006b

Posted by Lang! // Posted at 12:27 am \\

Well, it's Monday. And I'm sorry to say...

That not a single one of you people e-mailed me. Way to keep up my self-esteem. Now take your comic, you ungrateful bastages. I kid, of course. I don't have a whole lot to say, but I spent most of my day doing school-oriented things today so I'm off to play some World of Warcraft. Anyone who would want to play, run a couple quests or something, I have a level 19 undead warrior on the Eredar server named Nazun, and a level 5 gnome warlock named Langer on the Dragonmaw server, so if you see me on, feel free to send a message or something like that. Later!

January 22nd, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 6:05 pm \\

Hey. Yeah, you. Check this out. Seriously. Marvel at the treasure I procured today. That's right.


January 20th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:14 am \\

First of all, for some reason I am rather tired.

Secondly, before I get any messages: yes, I'm aware that more effort could have been put into today's comic. But, due to a hand dealt by Fate and a hand dealt by my own feeble memory, I've had two things grating a bit at my nerves.

Also, I had to have Linux installed on my computer yesterday (Like six hours ago type of yesterday) and it ran the risk of destroying everything on this machine so in that disposition I just didn't have the heart.

Mind you, I don't want Linux on this computer. I have to have it. Just clarifying so that you hardcore computer nerds out there don't go praising me with your "Right on, Linux is the way! Ditch the mass-media demon Windows bullshit!".

For one, this computer and I have never had a problem with Windows. Perhaps it's due to my ability to look after my machine, or some oxymoronical Technology Guardian Angel, but whatever the phenomenon for Windows working flawlessly on my machine, I don't care. If it weren't required for my degree, I would not have it.

But don't let word of this reach the people who helped me install it. Oh, no. Linux users are zealously passionate about their secluded little OS. Passionate, indeed.

But my computer is a tool for more than just development. Windows for me, please.


January 18th, 2006b

Posted by Lang! // Posted at 11:27 pm \\

Wow. Before I make a post, I'd just like to personally admit how much I suck. Oh well.

Anyways, now that that's over with, happy birthday Twinkfish! As a present, I'm going to (once again) say that I'm going to start LoL up again. I won't promise to have it done by tomorrow, but I can 99% guarantee that I will be doing LoL again on Monday. I think a big reason that I have been so sketchy with it is that I jumped right into it =/ So before I go back to my daily updates, I'm going to try a Monday-Wednesday-Thursday schedule to start, and see how that goes. Besides, that way you have TF content every weekday =). Any input or feedback would be appreciated, just click on the mug shot =). Later!
Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 9:51 am \\

This is it, everyone. Roughly around this time, one year ago, Twink was born in a Discrete Mathematics class. About six hours later, the website was born, and here we are now.

To mark this day with actual content, the History section has been updated with a little gift for everyone to enjoy.

And if you're curious as to why this drawing is so articulated and clean compared to things in the past, it is due to me having no part in it. A fan, and a friend (albeit the same individual) was kind enough to make this, and so now I don't have to make something in the way of content today.

I do have to play Final Fantasy IX a bit before class, and no, that is not a typo. Zidane time.


January 17th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:58 am \\

Everybody, please give Pete a "Thank you." for reminding me to update tonight. Twice.

This is what Twinkfish would look like if it were a Gamer Webcomic. But it is not.

I'd actually like to dedicate this comic to Drakath, who after months of persistance dragged me into the world of Final Fantasy XI. I said I wasn't going to play a Pay-To-Play game, and he said, "I beg to differ."

It's time to get back to doing stuff. See you all next time.

Tomorrow is Twinkfish's birthday!


January 13th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:03 am \\


Now that we've got that out of the way, how about a Hoot 'n a Holler?? Hooray!

Some other news - Twinkfish is rapidly approaching its one year anniversary! More Hooray! I'd like to take a moment to thank all the fans, especially those of you dedicated from the getgo (other than Dr.P of course), and even more especially those of you who have bitched me out when I was getting lazy with Twinkfish from time to time. It might have been slightly negative, but it was still support.

I'd also like to thank myself for keeping at it this long. I remember when Tatum came up with this dipshit idea; I never thought we'd go so far with it.

A whole year...what better a way to kickstart Year Two than with some Comic-neglecting Final Fantasy XI?!

Maybe a Comic-generating FFXI. Well, it's off to the Archive for me, to do some much needed updating.


January 10th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:22 am \\


Hello, people from H4xopolis!

Everyone else is now confused =(


January 6th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:13 am \\

You get your updatestraight up today, and possibly a string of uselessness to follow. It all depends on how long MigglyWiggly decides to stay online.

I guess it kind of sucks that I have basically nothing to talk about. Also about 98% of my attention is being eaten up by her much like Half Life Two eats up 98% of my PC on super high quality.

Screw it I'm hitting submit.


January 3rd, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 2:02 am \\

And so we continue our usual half-weekly comics, only this time I almost completely forgot to upload it.

I noticed last night after posting that December was the first month that Lang never posted - I think. I'm not going to dig through November because I really don't care; he's still alive and supposed to be doing some work of his own but if you guys have a problem with his laziness then feel free to yell at him a bit. You know, motivation.


January 2nd, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 2:07 am \\

Happy Day-After-New Years Day to all! That is, under the assumption you are of a denomination that celebrates the passage of time - I'd like to keep this for everybody, so if not; Happy something-or-other to you other people, too.

I would have made a post yesterday (ie three hours ago) but I've had a bit of a busy night, shelling out three hours so I could finish off Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow's main game before my brother up and leaves with it. And that was after watching the mildly disappointing Narnia movie. I'm not going to say it was bad, but it's one of those movies where they sacrifice script quality to prevent six year olds watching it come to tears. One of those movies where the all-powerful evil force is completely inept when battling a twelve year old who's never weilded a sword before. You know what I'm talking about. You've seen at least one of those movies in your lifetime.

According the the last body paragraph of this post, I have moved December's adorable little posts into the usual History archive. As if anyone goes in there to re-live old memories. I mean, I don't even do that.

Have a good one,
