
July 29th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:39 pm \\

After many stupid, careless, or strange errors, I have update the three existing outdated pages, and uploaded five more. So now the comic list goes all the way to 63. 63...wait, that's 6 new pages. Well, whatever.

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:06 pm \\

I'm not going to rant about my day; I'm certain everybody just wants to see this. Let me just say, I was not myself today.


July 28th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:11 pm \\

Tomorrow's comic is two captions and one graphic from being done, but it won't be uploaded until probably 24 hours from now, just to give everyone a heads up. I've got work from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm or so, so I'll need to sleep early, and I can't exactly send the comic for Lang to upload, because we all know how that's been working lately.

Seriously, man. What the hell?


July 27th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:38 am \\

This is getting really easy. I'm just leaving the comic tag on the clipboard now.

But it would be nice if Lang spent ten minutes updating the site for a change >=(.

I have the feeling he won't. Next time I'm sitting around and waiting for something to download or whatever (maybe?) I will update all those crapping pages.

I am eager to go headlong back into writing, but I am at an event in my book that I am having a difficult time writing so my anxiousness of future/cooler scenes is only building, so I've been wasting my time away with other stuff. Also, did you know that you cannot click on this link?


July 25th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:23 am \\

Since it is now Monday and I'm still connected, here you go.


July 24th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 10:49 pm \\

I'm losing the internet, schedually this time, either ten minutes from now, or a day and ten minutes from now. I'm not really sure which. If it is the former, enjoy this extra comic whilst I work away finishing more storyline. Kind of.

I'm going to take the time now, to elaborate on the comic a little. For those of you who can't discern, the object I'm poking fun at this time around is Conker: Live and Reloaded. It all started when I got my hands on it...yesterday. And what a day that was.

I've been anticipating this game ever since I donned my eyes on the origional for the N64, Conker's Bad Fur Day. The greatest game out there for the N64, if you ask me, and for many reasons. One thing I didn't really like about it, though, was how they censored junk out of it, hurting a number of jokes/scenes.

Then came declaration of a sequal (well, sort of?) to be released by Rare: Conker: Live and Uncut. It was two be two games in one: an all-new military style game, and a remake of the origional BFD, only really pretty-looking, and completely uncensored. (Hence, the name, Uncut.)

Not only were the graphics for the game completely remade, the levels had been modified slightly, some extra tidbits were added, as well as a few great jokes on the origional.

It was quickly becoming a masterpiece up to standards with the origional. Things were going great.

But then, Microsoft bought Rare.

I know an ill omen when I see one, and this was spelled out pretty clearly. Not only was it expected to be completely botched, MGS would likely remodel the platformer into a third-person shooter.

This wasn't really too bad, as they decided to keep the remastered origional game, and the multiplayer from the first was actually pretty fun. But it would be released for the XBox, so I dreaded my chances of ever seeing the game. Lucky for me, though, I have connections.

The XBox, having all these shooter games for it (can anyone spell ill omen?), is probably the console geared toward the oldest audience of the three systems, which was a great sign that not only would it be completely uncensored, they would probably even add more gratuitous content, something they dared not try on the Nintendo systems.

As it turns out, the bigshots decided to censor the hell out of the game's language. Perhaps it's too risky to use a certain word everyone who uses the internet is familiar with, and they did occasionally censor shit in the origional, but...why on Earth would an M-rated game censor the word asshole? Or twat for crying out loud? Fellatio, too! I didn't even understand what that word meant the first time I played BFD.

Now, don't get the wrong impression from me here, I still love Conker: LaR, but the censoring of the content was a real letdown. As well as a waived opportunity for Rare to take the biggest shot at Microsoft imagineable by modifying the origional ending to a Blue Screen of Death.


July 22nd, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 10:27 am \\

Isn't everything spectacular? First of all, last night my internet shit out on me, so I wasn't able to upload the comic, and just a few minutes ago, Home dot html imploded on itself.

If this post, or the entire PAGE for that matter, shows up then we're making progress, but my webhost is giving me extreme difficulty right now, deleting every page as I try to edit it.


July 20th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:37 am \\

Tonight's comic was a few minutes late for two reasons: at about 11:55, my internet decided to fail on me, and I was updating/debugging my latest rant.

That's all I've got for tonight, I suppose, other than the fact that Dr. P and I are currently working on new Twinkfish forums. Layout, design,'ll be great.



July 18th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:35 am \\

At long last, I've finished the comic for tonight's update. I have been at it for the past three and a half hours or so.

I've recently been vegging out in front of Fable for the Fable-Playing-Machine (it's labelled 'Xbox' for some reason), and I knew I'd do a comic for it. Though this is not what I had origionally envisioned being the final product, I had a last minute change of plans and I'm happy with it. Everything was drawn from scratch, I tried a completely different style of drawing, and I now have a kick ass MSN picture.

You people damn well better enjoy this one.


July 15th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:56 pm \\

Sorry folks, I figured Lang wasn't going to be lazy this time around.

P.S. >={{{

There's a reason for the shortness of today's comic, though. As I was about to start drawing the comic (around midnight) a couple of friends, who are working on a webcomic of their own, sorta asked me to draw my perception of this character, based on the three pieces of description I was given.



July 13th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:36 am \\

I was hoping to progress the story for today's comic, but unfortunately I spent the entire day without electricity. I dind't get it back until shortly after 9 p.m., and I didn't feel like spending much time at it. I also have a house that I have to manage, so I was a little busy.

But today is TFM blood donor day! So I need to get plently of sleep (not really?) and make sure there is some cold booze in the fridge for when I get home. =) Because I'm just that intelligent. Yay.


July 12th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:06 am \\

The one thing I was hoping to get done today, I didn't get done. But I was productive, with the addition of a new Wallpaper, as well as another rant that I find to be mildly amusing. The rant, however, goes linkless, until I decide to make the section become public. I think I am tired...maybe I'll do that quarter-day unconscious thing that everybody seems to enjoy so much.


July 11th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:00 am \\

To think, I was about to head to sleep without the comic! I completly spaced...which is a good reason why I did the comic much earlier.

I'll be the first to say's actually pretty low quality. But I did do that random comic yesterday, and I made another Rant today, but I doubt it'll get many hits.

Well, One in the morning. Time for some sleep.


July 9th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:03 pm \\

Random update! This one goes out to the folks in Belgium. I just found out today that you exist! I made a couple of attempts at the previously-mentioned side-project I was hoping to endeavour in, but every time I try to put my clever ideas into the form of artistic drawing, I'm confronted with the dreadful fact that I'm not an artist. It's really quite frustrating. I'll have to stick with writing, and doodling for now.

Unless, of course, one of our readers out there is a talented artist, preferrably in manga-style, and with a lot of time on his/her hands. Because I've tried, and good lord, I can't do it. I might try to learn, but I really can't be bothered any more.

I think this is where my train of thought comes to a halt. =(


July 8th, 2006

Posted by Lang! // Posted at 2:31 pm \\

Yes, yes I am. Can you blame me? I hadn't a worry in the world, but I figure I'm done with that, so look forward to regular update schedules (in the pages, not just the comics) here at Twinkfish, and regular updates on LoL too. I'm even going to try and work hard so that I'm prepared for the times I'll be missing in the future. It's tough to update a webcomic from a houseboat in the middle of the river, after all. Anyways, I didn't do a whole lot except for upload a LoL comic and update all the twinkfish pages, so I'll leave you all at that. Later!  
Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:03 pm \\

Lang, you're friggin' lazy. =\ Yet another clicky-clicky if you will. This'll probably bugger up anybody who checks our site exclusively through OC, but eh...whatever. Tomorrow, my parents are going on vacation, so I'll have plenty of me time. I'm hoping to try something new regarding content for this site...but since I'm not actually an artist, the odds of it being quality work are slim. Damnit, but...oh well. I can't be good at everything.


July 5th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 11:47 pm \\

I'm not hanging around until midnight to post this. Going to go to sleep tonight. Like, now.

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:47 pm \\

Damn, am I ever tired. Just after getting back from camping, today I buggered off to work construction for 8 hours today. But I'm not here to rant. I've just finished re-rendering and uploading yesterday's comic in sober edition. That'll give everybody something to look at until tomorrow's comic.


July 4th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 6:13 pm \\

A semi-late-but-still-on-the-right-day comic today. You can find it in a pop-up window link located at the end of this sentence.

I don't feel like typing a whole lot right now, as I am still a little sore, and if that's not a valid excuse, maybe the following will be.


July 1st, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:24 pm \\

Just a little head's up that Monday's comic is going to be late. Me, Lang, and the gang (rhyme!) are going camping from shortly until Monday some time.

On the plus side, the webpages for the comics have actually been updated, and June's been moved to the History page.

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:52 am \\

