
June 30th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 11:56 am \\

I think we're having trouble getting yesterday's message across to you people.

Well, I wasn't kidding. I'm serious. You heartless bastards put a piece of paper to death yesterday.


June 29th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:05 am \\

Yet another image uplink for today's comic...but I'm not complaining. I just copied the source (all 30 characters of it maybe) from yesterday and tweaked it.

I think today's comic has a very important message behind it. We could all learn, and better our lives as a result.


June 28th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:41 pm \\

Missed obligations! Lang's still not been posting the new comic pages lately, but even though I've failed to mention it as of yet, you can still find today's comic via the usual means.

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:06 pm \\

I'm working around on the website right now, in hopes to exploit my whorish advertising nature to make a few bucks, because some people just don't seem to get the hint. Well, whatever. Working away, so ignore anything that looks strange or out of place.


June 24th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 2:35 pm \\

Wheee, okay. Problem solved.

For the past few days I haven't had a whole lot of contact with the other people I share this house with (my parents) so I've been on mostly a "Fend for yourself" dinner schedule. Now, I love it when it's left for me to feed myself, because I'll eat what I want, when I want. But lately, I've just been neglecting to eat. It's not like I suffer from that Binge and Purge disease where you're worried about what you eat; I've just been incredibly lazy. So I became malnourished and yesterday/early this morning I was seeing some serious shit. So half of today has been spent eating stuff. It was nice. I love food.

I really don't have anything relevant to say, I think.

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:19 am \\

Tonight's comic deals with an issue that I have recently (as of maybe ten minutes ago) solved...or atleast, figured out. I'll elaborate on it in the morning or afternoon or whatever when I'm feeling better.


June 22nd, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 8:36 pm \\

Up next we have a new LoL comic for a change of pace. I did this because...well, whatever, I felt like it. I'm in the clear for two months. An easy exam and one I don't need to even write are all that remain.

Also, I have something that might be of interest to people who enjoy LoL humour: Oddwebsite rants. The humour is generally immature and HE LIKES TO HOLD THE SHIFT KEY DOWN A LOT AND MAKE THESE FUNNY LITTLE FACES THAT SANGE DOES ALL THE TIME >:{ but if you read them, it's really quite a laugh, and also I am paranoid enough to think Sange is or knows Zanno, the guy who owns the site, because I've been using the words 'Less Than Three' which is a <3, like an ASCII heart, to make fun of net chat and stuff and in episode 17 of Der DragonWarrior he used it but I made it up in like December and episode 17 was made after January of this year because episode 16 was posted on February 6th of this year and I guess I am copying Zanno right now by making this sentence really really long but atleast I am of der not typing of the try this like as DDW it is of seen in, but I can't finish this sentence until I find a really awkward note to leave it on and what makes it worse is that in order to be coherent with what he does other than holding the shift key, my rambling has to be funny which it is not and I cannot use punctuation to end the sentence so you won't know the sentence is done until you see this


June 21st, 2006

Posted by Lang! // Posted at 12:16 am \\

Heya everyone. I know it's been awhile since my last post, and for that, I'm sorry. I know how much you all love reading these little spiels of mine. Updated the comic, as usual, a nice little filler. I don't feel like making that a link. Anyways, yeah, I haven't done a LoL comic in awhile, and I guess I'm going to declare (far too late) a temporary hiatus for Legend of Lang, until I'm finished my exams. It's crunch time, people! Don't expect too much. I'll make it up to you later.

Edit: I decided to make it a link.

So I got my courses for University in the mail a few days ago. Easy stuff, generally, though I'm a little worried about my Discrete Math course in fall and my Statistics course in the winter. I'll survive. Early July I get to make up my course schedule, so I might even get to sleep in on some days that would normally be school days. I also get a general elective, though I'm not sure what I'll use it for. Anyways, I'm out. Later!

June 20th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:16 am \\

Well, now that I've pieced together the comic pages, you can view your latest comic now.

I've finally gotten back to writing, which is something I haven't done since before I got this computer. It's a nice feeling, being able to get back to work on something everyone (that I know) can enjoy. I might get back to work on it tonight, actually, since I don't have jack-all to do tomorrow and I can sleep in. Hmm. Well. I'm done here.


June 17th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 9:29 am \\'s comic was done a little over 12 hours ago, but I just decided to go to sleep around quarter after 11 last night. I debated hanging around until midnight when I decided, "No, not that many people will notice. Those that will, probably won't care."

I have a Calculus exam later today, so amidst Half Life Two will be some studying. After that, I'm free of my bindings to academic studies until midweek next week. In the meantime, I hope to get back to my LoL project, and even more so back to writing.


June 13th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 4:52 pm \\

I don't know what the hell has happened to our midnight "Comic goes here" schedule, but regardless of whether there is news or not, I intend to never fail to update the comic.

Maybe I'll have to chew Lang out about it. Maybe we should get an auto-update PHP script. Maybe I should start doing some LoL comics!


June 8th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:05 am \\

Ohhhhhkay, now that I've updated all the webpages, I can bring you today's comic.

Once again, you may have noticed a certain nature to this comic. In fact, if you flip between today's comic and Monday's comic, it almost looks animated. Yay!

So, as you could guess, I was pretty pre-occupied when I made this one. And my hand is still screwy (again) so those are the excuses I'm making, but, Half Life Two is not the culprit this time. This time, I was pre-occupied by my bestest buddy of all time in ROSE while I made this. Oh, that's right, Drakath, I wasn't talking about you. (She knows who she is.)

Anyway, while there is a delightful comic fresh off, there is also this piece of work that I had to do twice for Art class, since the file deleted itself once. Can anybody guess what the hell is going on? You'd better be able to.


June 6th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:04 am \\

Blast Lang's absence! It means I have to be around until atleast midnight to upload our latest comic. Hell, I'm sure I would be anyway, what with having Half Life Two and all, but...

I'm actually quite tired, tonight. One last Happy Birthday to AJ, and once Underwood's damned file transfers, I'm going to sleep. I have a Geometry test tomorrow that I actually studied for (wow!) and the notes are still in my lap, but I am still damned tired.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: 05.01.2006b - I am declaring this Twinkfish's most popular news post because for some reason people keep searching it on Google. I have no idea why.


June 3rd, 2006

Posted by Lang! // Posted at 12:00 am \\

Updated. Jesus have I ever been tired lately. Assignments and tests have been hammering me like mad, and to top it off, I've even been studying for my exams in a few weeks. As much as all this work sucks, however, there is a very bright light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm almost done high school.

I still can't get over this. It's just awesome. One more month, and I'll be done high school forever. It's off to university, and a life of my own. Wow. Mind-blowing. Just like the quantam physics we did this morning.

Update on my four white mages in Final Fantasy I: I successfully managed to go and get the crown, and defeat Astos. I hope that I don't get in any more fights as tough as that one was. Also, I've done the first section of the earth cave, and defeated the vampire. Easy fight, luckily. Undead foes stand no chance against White Mages, as today's Legend of Lang comic clearly shows. Well, I'm off to study more Geometry. Later!

June 1st, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 4:30 pm \\

Ah, today's comic. I was bound to do a ROSE comic sooner or later.

I've been feeling like shit lately, but rather than do one of those three-panel filler comics, I decided to do something completely from scratch. In all honesty, I tried, but I could not be witty to save my life in that state. In fact, I missed a friend's 18th birthday party last night. That also sucks.

And Lang's been slacking. I had to create the archive for May myself. Don't be surprised if it contains errors. If it does contain errors, here's what you should do:

Nothing. Lang and I will find them, and we'll fix them. Now, now I need to something. Entertain myself, or whatever. Still kind of under the weather, but sometimes shit happens.
