
June 21st, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 5:58 pm \\


Forgot to log on last night to say that TF is on a temporary hiatus. I have momentous amounts of shit to deal with. At the very latest it will be back on at the end of the semester which is mid August but that's the extreme case.


June 17th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 4:51 pm \\

What a momentous occasion. Today is Twinkfish's first ever late comic. Huzzah.

I also only have two simultaneous assignments left, right now, so hooray for that.

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:11 am \\

Heh, ha ha. By my clock, the comic is late.

One hundred and sixty seven punctual updates spanning almost a year and a half. But tonight, I missed.

I was watching this movie called Cradle of Fear which starred Dani Filth from the band COF. It was low-budget and the storyline was terribly stupid but somehow I was engaged through the whole thing.

Anyway, I started this comic but it is not done. I have ample time to get it done before sleep; the comic is about 50% to completion. I do not intend to have it up until I've slept though. I don't care.

Because I hate you all.


June 13th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 10:35 pm \\

It's time I felt like eating dinner, so this is a quick update.

I'll update the pages, as well as the months-outdated archives, eventually.


June 9th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 11:25 pm \\

No page this time around. I've had Saw 2 for a long time, and I'm finally going to watch it tonight.

Good night people.


June 6th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:21 am \\

Another Kingdom Hearts comic, shoot me, but this one is very loosely related to Kingdom Hearts.

It was just an MSN conversation that went humourous.

I mean...I liked it.

And I think that's a valid question that is posed in this comic.


June 1st, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:52 pm \\

This was done yesterday or something. I just kept forgetting to upload it time and time again, and the only time I remembered, I was in class or something.

And then I've been distracted for the last hour, but...there you go.
