
March 30, 2006


Garvar here.

Ahh, I love it when Lang posts first. Saves me from having to mess with the date. At any rate, I'm in a good mood for no real reason at all, so I've createdanother wallpaper. If, for some reason your head is damaged, I'll just remind you all that the wallpapers are found in the Downloads section. Thank you, and good day.

Oh, and just so you know, we're doing work on the site, so it probably won't be touched tomorrow (update-wise).


Posted by Lang!

Well, I did all the usual updates this morning. However, I didn't have time to post. Now, I'd just like to tell you that I endured a MASSIVE tickling from a certain pair of Chris's to get this site updated. I took a bullet for you guys. Later!

Posted by Lang!

Oopsie. Easter Monday screwed up the school schedule, and as such, I though today was Tuesday. A big thanks to DrP for driving me home to update the comic, along with picking up a controller for Starfox: Assault. I'll do all the other updates when I get home. Later!

March 27, 2006

Posted by Lang!

Hey everybody. I'm back from the...umm...awesome contest. Yeah, you oughta believe that. I won, of course. I also brought everyone back a little souvenir, along with all the other regular updates. I'm out. Later!

March 26, 2006

Garvar here.

Alright, it seems no pitchforks are being thrown, or raised in anger...ample opportunity to post this. It would appear that, while I may be willing to hang around in the conscious realm until midnight, there are those who wish I don't spend the time on this computer, since it disrupts sleep. Yeah. I don't have my own computer, so I can't exactly take the situation by the horns or some metaphor of the like and solve it. You get your comic, we're not even halfway into Saturday...all is well.


March 25, 2006

Garvar here.

It's me again...Since we are advertising whores, you will notice some actual Banner type dealies posted in the links section. So what's the matter? It's just a matter of copying and pasting a bit of code. Do it to your website now! Everyone will recieve a delightful little surprise. One last thing before my ADD pulls me elsewhere, I love the little safety warnings on Dr.P's website. Makes me feel like a professional. At heart.


Garvar here.

Heads up people. My flash drive dilemma has been taken care of, but we've another problem: Lang is gone for this weekend, so my ISP has decided to start being a whore. I don't know how long it's been down for, but I'm posting now while it's connected. The comic may be late tomorrow...but once again - how often does that happen?

In other news, we now own Dr.P...Like, the person we based our character off of. Which reminds me - well, with some part from my brother - we should probably get around to making a copyright notice. We already have some of our copyrighted material on other sites, used with permission, but that doesn't cover the entire site. Suffice to say, we own everything on this site unless otherwise noted. I'll put a lazy temporary filler until we get around to doing the big-time copyright information, the whole terms of use thing, but...I've got an assignment to do in two different English classes this Easter break. So I leave with saying: Who else has already eaten meat today? I can feel Satan festering in the processed salami I had for lunch.


March 23, 2006

Garvar here.

Son...of...a...bitch. I was working on some Twinkfish stuff earlier today in class, and apparently left my flash drive in the classroom before going home, so what I was working on is currnetly not with me. Moreover, this is a problem because if I don't endeavour to be the first person in that classroom tomorrow, it's likely to be stolen, so I took my anger out on about 500 Ganados in Resident Evil 4. Now...if losing this flash drive happened before March break, I probably would have even driven down to school and busted through a window or something to get it, but...thankfully nothing important is on it. Other than, of course, about 10 minutes' work on something for this site. Anyway, I don't think I'll be doing much or anything on the site tonight, I just really don't want to.


Posted by Lang!

3, 2, 1.....MIDNIGHT UPDATE! Little message for Dr. P: we break legs.

In other news, check out the Twinkfish store! There's still alot of work to do to get it fully completed, so it may be awhile before a formal link is added to the navigation bar. Oh, and by the way: because of the way the store works, we can only have one of each type of item (ie. only one T-shirt, only one baseball cap etc.) However, a small monthly payment (about equal to what it costs to maintain this site) will completely eliminate that restriction. This time however, it's not just going to come out of our pockets. The more you people buy, the more selection you'll have. Anyways, I'm off to bed. Later!

March 19, 2006

Posted by Lang!

Hey everybody. Sorry I've been quiet for so long, but I've been pretty pissed off lately, and as the saying goes, "never go to bed or update a website angry". Did all the usual updates.

Now, as to why I've been so furious lately: I went to take my driving test for my G2, and the son of a bitch marking me failed me even though I should've passed. He said the reason he failed me was because I "nearly hit two pedestrians when turning into the parking lot" (which happened to be my Dad and bro), despite the fact that they weren't moving and were on the sidewalk about 10 feet from the curb. Anyway, my Dad got the supervisor's number, and I hope the dumbfuck gets what he deserves.

As for the rest of my March break, not a whole lot to report...I'm making this update from my Aunt and Uncle's house in Mississauga. Yesterday my family and I went to Laser Quest, and I had alot of fun. We played to games, out of 20-25 people I came second both times. Today I got my hair cut and re-coloured; the blonde was starting to fade. Tomorrow I think the plan is get up early (dammit!), and help my Oma move some stuff out of her old house, followed by Playdium (woo!). Anyways, as mentioned before, I've got an early day tomorrow >.< So I'll talk to y'all later.

Garvar here.

Seriously, I don't know where the hell everyone is, nor do I know what the hell they're up to, but it's late enough to post this. Well, atleast I have to go to work Saturday (which is kinda today now) so I'll have something worth-while to occupy my time. Adios.


March 17, 2006

Garvar here.

I've confirmed that Lang still exists, as he has been doing some work on the site, yet he still has managed to shy away from the main page news posts. At any rate, check out the Donations page, since I've finally posted a handful of designs. Much fun! Also, for those of you who have the spare time, it'd be nice if you could vote for us at Online Comics dot net. You gotta sign up, but its free and takes all of a minute to do. Unless you're too big and important. =\


March 16, 2006

Garvar here.

Bit of a delay posting today's comic, but it's here now. Regarding the nature of the comic, it has come to my attention that there's an unwritten rule that states, "All webcomics, gamer or otherwise, must make fun of Resident Evil 4." Such is the nature of today's comic. Oh, and by the way - this comic is based on a true story. Thank you.


March 13, 2006

Garvar here.

Here is one of those autographed gloss-paper print things I've been tampering around with. It seems kind of simple so I might decide to either add some more to it, or leave it open for you, the people with money to decide what it is you would like added, in terms of background or writing or whatnot. Anyway, I have more stuff to do with the site, and I'll try not to play FFX or RE4 or anything.

Oh, I almost forgot. Since we love money, I mean, we love our viewers, we're going to be taking a step up in the mooching sector. A donation of $50 Canadian or more will star you in a hopefully-tactful comic! Or maybe even two. Oh, the possibilities! <3 money.


March 12, 2006

Posted by Lang!

Well, sorry I'm late everybody, but I'll leave you with a quick little update, before Lord Garvar and I go play RE4. Later!

March 10, 2006

Garvar here.

Holy, hell. If you don't like tonight's special guest comic, there is either something unbelievably wrong with you, or the complete opposite of that. At any rate, it inspired me to update the Cast page. Finally, some additional content! And I still have an epic story in comic style to present for Saturday for you people! I have a couple hours tomorrow, so it oughta be manageable. If not, your Lang-post will be a little later than midnight. At any rate, I apparently need to study for a really hard chemistry test, not that I care nor do I intend to. The advantage of taking 8 senior-year courses is that you don't have to give a damn about two, and Chem happens to be one of those two for me. Adios,


Posted by Lang!

Well, since Gary broke his knuckle, I've decided to make up a special comic for him...the first ever Twinkfish guest comic! Sure, I'm from the site, but nevertheless, I'm a guest animator in the chronological order of the comics. Let me tell you, Hex is pissed. I just can't draw emotions. Another comic, another putting off of Twink's run-in with Mayor Snipes. Later everyone!

Garvar here.

It's been a rough couple of days for me. My novel's due tomorrow and I have had innumerable problems printing and preparing it. I'm still doing it as we speak, but lets just say this: I'm burning 250 useless pages in the fire tonight.

One of the many plights spawned by this recent problem is the little incident this morning wherein I destroyed my hand. The fondest quote from today,

"Dude, you really need to go to the hospital."

"...AFTER lunch. I'm not bailing on you guys for Champions of Norrath."

At any rate, I would be at the hospital right now getting it fixed, but lets face it: I'm just too busy. And my hand has recovered to the point where it hurts to type, but I can type. Hand doesn't look too pretty, but what difference does it make? Still intending to complete Saturday's comic. I'm a man, and I can stake this out.


March 9, 2006

Posted by Lang!

Morning everyone. As almost always, I'm very punctual in uploading the comic and updating the page once again. Geometry test was relatively easy, and the programming test was post-pwned. Picked up Sonic Adventure 2 Battle on the weekend for about 20 bucks; relatively old (early days of the 'cube) but an excellent game nonetheless. In other news, our animator Lord Garvar has been working on an animated error page. If anyone recently has type in gibberish here), they wouldn't noticed that we have a custom error page. Soon, it will be much, much better. Thanks to Poulsen for hooking me up with the info I needed to do that; his initiative to learn about web design could threaten our presence on the web someday if he ever figures out something to actually put on his website. Well, it's snowing fiercely outside, but I know it's going to stop between 5 and 8 am. Later everybody!

March 8, 2006

Garvar here.

Well, I just finished tomorrow's comic about an hour ago. I'd like to say, you people better be happy. I'm half-expecting my boss to send me an email asking why I've started falling behind in my work assignments. You people just mean that much to me. Now I'm going to neglect the school work that I have due in order to get my boss' assignments started. How lucky! Mind you, I did spend around an hour after school playing Feel the Magic. But eh, that's all of me for now.


March 5, 2006

Posted by Lang!

This is great. You know, deep down inside, when we started this whole webcomic idea I didn't think we'd get this far. Sure, I had to recode all the pages again, but this time, it felt right. Well, aside from moving the site to its new home, I also put up the comic for you. Hope you all enjoy that one; I know I did. Later everybody!

March 4, 2006

Garvar here.

Ladies and Gents! Just today, we have bought a piece of the internet! Holy shit, wow! I feel so happy, and so twenty-bucks-poorer. To commemorate, I've thrown together a high-resolution (sort of) captionless preview of tomorrow's comic...though, when most of you read this post, the comic'll be up. I mean, who checks for updates on Fridays, anyway? So yeah, mildly excited. Turned out to be a pretty good week, I'd say.


March 3, 2006

Garvar here.

At long last! I've finally finished my novel!

And, of course, the exact moment I put my fingers on the keyboard to type this news post, the damn printer squeals at me, telling me its out of paper. So now that I've taken care of that, I can type to the tune of 6 months' work being printed. I still need to edit it, which is another 5 hours or so of work, and I need to design a front and back cover as well. But those can be crammed into the site as 'content', so I won't be completely skimping out on you guys.

This just in, the printing is complete after seventeen minutes of straight printing. Seventeen minutes in full margin and size 10 font. When it comes time to print the final copy, I think I'll rent a movie for it.


March 1, 2006

Posted by Lang!

You people are lucky I'm tired, because I'm not going to make you wait til 4:30 tomorrow afternoon for an update, and I don't think I can stay awake another half hour. So, here you go. I'd leave you all with some sort of gibberish (indicating I'd fallen asleep on the keyboard), but I think it'd just be easier to go to bed. Later.

Garvar here.

I know it's been nothing but the two comics a week I've been doing lately, but suffice to say, lately, I've been a little swamped by schoolwork. And it'll continue for a little while longer.

But I was struck earlier today with the realization: March break is creeping up on us pretty quickly. Less than two weeks of school left. And of course, I have a handful of projects due on that last day, so I probably won't do much site-wise until the anticipated vacation from learning. Hell, I've got a novel to finish, after all. Thanks for the patience.


Posted by Lang!

Well everyone, it's a new month, and as we say goodbye to love and my birthday, we usher in drinking and Jesus' re-birthday. A reminder to our regulars, and news to our more recent readers, all of the posts can be found in the history section. I'll see all of you at the stroke of midnight with a new comic! Later.