
May 30th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 4:00 pm \\

Step one, comic. Step two, what the hell? Step three: =(((

I was hoping I'd have a light workload this semester. I was wrong.


May 26th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:18 pm \\

The server is being a wanker for some reason right now, so equipped with the tag-team of notepad and FTP, you still get your comix, so yay for that.

I, personally, still have a lot of unfinished shit to do today. Twinkfish seemed either the most urgent, or at the very least the most endurable of these tasks. I'll leave it at that.


May 23rd, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:48 pm \\

Aw shucks, fellahs...the Kingdom Hearts III comic is only the third most popular comic this month.

Time to draw some attention to it.

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:42 pm \\

Late-ish update. Ergo, all the pages have been updated.

All of the pages that didn't previously exist, anyhow.


May 19th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 4:13 pm \\

You still don't get any pages, but on the bright side the comics continue to roll in.

That's all I'm saying because I have shit to pack and less than time to do it in.


May 16th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 3:44 pm \\

I'll create the pages for these comics some day, I swear! In the meantime, however,


Oh no the marquee tags were pushing my text to the left and causing artifacts in the table coding =( But this extra paragraph fixed it =D!


May 12th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 3:25 pm \\

Well, it's just about time to try a new approach for the comics. I feel as if the on-topic comics have been sub-par of late.

I have finally started writing a 100% Journal Guide for Kingdom Hearts II - I know, I'm late. I could have had this FAQ done a month ago, but I was too busy playing KH2 to play KH2 with periodic two minute breaks. There is probably one already out there, but I don't know - I'm not writing a Walkthrough for the game, so maybe this will be a handy pocketbook for the inane gamer looking to the internet for solutions on how to find everything.

I'm just that big a nerd. =}!


May 9th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:20 am \\

Thanks for the birthday present, Dan.

So I've moved into my new place and so far so good. Workspace is more comfortable and if it weren't for my overtly short attention span I could get more shit done around here...or the same shit, but more effectively.

I have a bit of spare time for the moment as the semester's just about to begin, but that time is likely to be occupied by doing things with housemates and, in my spare time, Kingdom Hearts II. Again. I am writing an FAQ soon because I'm such a nerd. =(



May 5th, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 8:30 pm \\

Birthdays and comics and revelations - oh my!


May 2nd, 2006b

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:15 pm \\

Most of the pages are now updated (comic pages, archives) but as you can still see April 2006b is still clinging to the damn Newspage. I'll fix it when I finish mowing the lawn.

In amongst running errands and completing tests and playing KH2/FFIX/FFXI I have not had a lot of time to myself lately so when I do, news page update.

And I need to go pester Dr.P to look into improving upon the project and I also need to play less KH2 and commit myself to my part of the project also.

It isn't going to happen any time soon. Damned KH2.

I mean, I probably haven't even uploaded half of the KH2-related artwork I've created in the days since KH2's North American release. This includes a wallpaper that nobody gets to download because it's not for any of you okay =(

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:15 pm \\

So I need to do some cleaning around the site - albeit minor cleaning - and page updating sometime soon (as in, today), and it's all a matter of memory. Yatta yatta yatta, got my full liscence today, which allows me to legally drive with drink in me, and a week from now I can legally have drink in me, so double hooray let's enjoy both achivements at the same time, right? Anyway for now it's just a matter of comic and sleep. Once again, just an image. Sleep, please.
