
November 29th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:02 am \\

Good day! Another double-upload update! The first link as always will lead you to your comic, but the second requires a slightly larger degree of explanation.

For anyone here who plays Stepmania, I have taken it to myself to create and upload my first ever DWI package. It features an Overclocked Chrono Cross remix by an artist named Ailsean. Maybe you've heard of him/her. Maybe not.

I think I did a pretty good job on the timing, what with it being my first attempt and all. I guess it's for a more advanced audience of players. I know if I had to use a Dance Pad, I would probably fail.


November 25th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:20 am \\

Got a double whammy for everyone tonight. While I was crawling around the site, updating a few minutes ago, I noticed the 'Traffic MB Used' field rising - hello, everyone checking for an immediate midnight update. Your efforts will pay off once I hit the 'Save' button. And here is that which you seek.

Secondly, there's a new treat to be found at the Downloads page - a new Wallpaper! Hooray!

Also, I have done a fair bit of Twinkfish-related writing lately, and I am going to attempt Twinkfish's first ever coherent story arc! So look forward to less of "What the hell just happened," and more of "What the hell is going to happen next?"!

Got a bit more stuff yet to do tonight...a couple more projects still left to do this semester.


November 22nd, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:57 am \\

I don't think I have much business to discuss lately apart from the obligatory comic link. I have an upcoming Calculus test that I probably should be studying for, but in the recesses of my mind I know I'm just hoping the aim of the test is to examine the foundations of integral calculus - i.e. easy questions.

The moment they throw a polynomial over a root x into my barrage of excersizes, I'm going to fall back to the Inner Sanctum. And should that polynomial be triganometric? Lord save us all, I'm going right to Hell in a handbasket. Figuratively speaking, of course.

So all sorts of things are going on that aren't worth mentioning. The only thing that comes to mind that a dozen or so people would care to read is: after an unidentified / undeclared / unnoticed haitus, I've gotten Dreamflow: Recourse back into (semi) full swing. If I can average 500 words of quality writing a day, it'll be done in a few months no sweat.

Two weeks of classes left. Where will the subsequent events take me? Stay tuned. Or just ask someone or something.


November 18th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:59 pm \\

I haphazardly assumed Langer was going to upload and post the comic amidst the slaughter and carnage my hand brought in Warcraft III, but I can't really say I'm surprised, nore disappointed.

I had a fair amount of fun creating this comic, and I have a feeling the next few will be a treat, too.

I have a Calculus test to be studying for, but it was still nice to take a few hours to relax. Every time I'm granted a break from school work/activities, I somehow get myself backed up into signing up for something else. Atleast it revolves around drawing?

Pushing for a tablet by Christmas. If I'm going to get the one I want, it'll run nearly three hundred dollars.

Cough. just occured to me that I haven't plugged like that in quite a long time. Well, that's all for now.


November 15th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 7:40 pm \\

Yay, I have random crap to talk about!

So after my CIS lecture today at 20 after Five, I was asked to talk to someone in another building and ended up wandering into the start of a meeting for one of the colleges of my University or something; I'm not entirely sure what it was about.

Since I was there, though, I took a seat at the end of the table and sat through the meeting, politely, and offering an occasional suggestion and input on concerns and what not, despite the fact that I did not belong there. Though the big-shit 'Executive' (as I believe he was dubbed) shared the same first name as I, and that was pretty cool.

Before the meeting was over, I was hired for a job. So now I get to make a little bit of money to counter-balance all the stuff I've been buying. Daddy needs a new set of skateboard wheels, or something to that effect.

Well, anyway, after the 90 minute meeting, I grabbed some chicken and headed home. I have made two startling discoveries since the last hour has passed by...

First and foremost, I have reason to believe that Centrios, the brand of camera I possess, employs not humans, but monkies! Monkeys of vastly superiour knowledge and skill in the art of making simple things exceedingly and unnecessarily frustrating. Why anyone or anything would put forth the effort of creating an OS in a camera capable of freezing, locking up, and failing to power down is really beyond my understanding, but I guess that's why I'm not into designing and manufacturing cameras. I'll leave that to the pros.

Secondly, and probably more nauseating: KFC is not, atleast in it's entirety, made of chickens. Of the burgers or buckets I can make no claim, but I have made a discovery tonight that KFC Popcorn Chicken is made of Slimes!

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:32 am \\

Oh blast! Lang is offline =( but fortunately I am online =) long enough atleast to post the comic. Despite what he said earlier, he is still slacking in the updates.

I should have used Commencement weekend as the ample opportunity to beat some commitment into him, but remember I did not. Oh well, I have tasks that demand my attention.


November 11th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:10 am \\

I'm really tired for some reason tonight, and have been since about 10 pm or so. It pisses me off big-time when I've got free time on my hands and I'm unable to draw or write or work. So I'm making it an early night. Right after I link everyone to tonight's comic. Also, oops, I messed up the shading in panel four, but whatever.

Happy Rememberance Day, or whatever the greeting for this day of days happens to be. I don't remember what it is.


November 8th, 2006

Posted by Lang! // Posted at 9:01 pm \\

Greetings, earthlings! I am the one you call Lang! My blonde hair, in a moment of weakness, was conquered by an army of black hair colour! Seriously though folks, I have black hair now ^_^, and I LOVE it! A picture can be found here. So a fun weekend was had by all, to give this post more of a purpose than just showing off my new sig. A big thanks goes out to my Aunt for colouring and cutting my hair ^_^. Later everybody!  
Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:36 am \\

Well, I got lucky on my Calculus test (unless I end up getting a 70%- mark). Also, Lang's little posting disfunction was been thuroughly taken care of. You can post, Lang, can'tcha?

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:36 am \\

Well, I went ahead and did something completely different for tonight's comic, and though I can't see it being a consistent thing, it was fun to attempt.

Also Lang would have posted but he is currently unable to, do to...shall we say, aesthetic difficulties. Rest assured we are working to have it fixed by Friday.

The comic explains the brief post.


November 6th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 8:01 pm \\

The latest details of TFT's doings can be found here! Good night.


November 4th, 2006

Posted by Lang! // Posted at 12:14 am \\

Hey everybody! I know updates have been sketchy lately, but between midterms and assignments I haven't had time to do ANYTHING. Everything is caught up, and there's a great new comic, too! The only thing I have that would count as interesting news I suppose, is that I saw Saw 2. And it was f*GOT-DAMMIT LANG DON'T USE THAT WORD ON THE HOMEPAGE* sweet. I'm not going to go into any other details, but if you liked the first one, DEFINATELY see the second. And if you didn't, then you suck =(. Later everybody!  

November 2nd, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 11:12 pm \\

What an interesting article! Thanks, Sange.


November 1st, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 9:09 pm \\

Hooray for Tuesdays! 80 minutes of class where a Professor requires my attention, and 80 minutes of class where a Nintendo DS requires my attention.

While the URL is still copied into the clipboard, I'd like to spare a moment to plug yet another webcomic, peculiarly named 'Lowroad 75'. While the writing is on occasion bland, I find the artistic style that Carlos has absolutely captivating. I'm not going to go into detail, or give it a review or anything, because you can read the damned thing for yourselves (if you feel oh-so-inclined).

So the weekend was pretty good, and despite not having a damned clue what I was doing right from square one, I managed to arrive alive in Waterloo, eventually meeting up Denise and some other awesome characters that might as well be her room-mates. I still want Cameron-from-the-basement's 26er of vodka though, because I am apparently he.

Though Greyhound made the trip to Kitchener a breeze for me, nothing prompted me to depart the bus at my designated stop and as a result I almost ended up going to Toronto or London or something. Also getting on a bus to go home proved more than a little difficult.

But as you'd have noticed yesterday, I've made the trip home as well, despite the additional hour of walking I was forced to undergo as a result. But that's okay, two degrees Celcius still counts as Shorts weather.

So, going back to Kincardine for the weekend. I'd like to say I'm looking forward to it, but according to a number of sources it has - whether by coincidence or not - gone to hell with Lang, Denise and I absent from our hovel of a hometown. From what I've heard; increasing sexual ambiguities, public services closing down, stuff being bulldozed, and a skunk living under my back porch.

But I'm not afraid...

There will be rum.

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:16 am \\

Boo, new month, having to move October to the history page and stuff. Ah well. That's done with now.

The saga continues in this comic with a very random message: Happy pre-empetive Birthday Marc or something. I will rant about my craaaaazy weekend with the Snise later, because right now the site is terribly broken because of how I go about updating the server. Porbably won't post until after I've had some sleep.
