
November 24th, 2007 uh

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 6:39 pm \\

Okay, by soon, I probably should have mentioned that soon equates to approximately 2.5 months.

I have been busy with an immaculate amount of stuff lately which yeilds no interest or importance to discussion, but at least I have almost gotten completely through Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. Yes, I'm not done. But Laharl's base Attack is 140,000 or so so I should be able to take Baal down soon.

Anyhow, for the purpose of this post: I can't remember whether or not I announced BRW's subdomain, but that's what I'm going to be updating for the next year. The boneriffic PHP coding makes it a HELL of a lot easier to update than this pile of shit, and while it would be easy to convert all of TF into PHP using BRW's code, I can't be bothered.

I don't think BRW has any new comics yet, but in the last week, my co-writer and I have finally gotten around to discussing new ideas and writing new material for it. Though I don't see new comics coming into existance any earlier than January of 2008, I'm going to be starting a new job and will have 8 months of free time (two months if you factor in SSBB) to get the comics put together.

I do hope we can see this through. The final story arch sheds so much light on the Starfox64 universe, we think.
