
October 28th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:08 am \\

After nearly six minutes of toiling away, I solved the Alpha-PNG transparency fiasco. At least, I did for my version of Internet Explorer. It should be more browser friendly now.

I've also uploadered the latest comic for you all to read, then re-read twice, and then realise you're suddenly disappointed.

I'm finally free of all manditory obligations for atleast a couple days, so now I have time to create a massive news post retelling my life's most recent and exciting tales. But as you can already speculate from the small size of this post's box, I have nothing interesting to say. Except that, if we have any readers in Waterloo ON, I will be spending a couple nights in the Wilfred Laurier campus, or where-ever the hell Denise lives. You fan(s?) can come see me or something while I'm there. Just drop me a line or something before I'm gone if you want an autograph or some cliché shit like that. There is no other news.

Oh, damn it all.


October 26th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 10:46 pm \\


Dr.P just recently brought to my attention that if you are still using Internet Explorer to view Twinkfish then you suck. =( That's all there is to it. A number of comics' jokes are completely absent if you are using a web-browser that does not support .PNG alpha transparencies. Also my new news post avatar looks strange like that.

As per the opposite of Dr.P's request, I am not going to support any other web browsers in order to rectify the problem. Since Midterm Mayhem is now basically over I will have some free time to look into solving these problems for those of you who are adamant in your resolve to fight against technological evolution.

Everybody wins.

Also since I have free time again, expect your regularly-scheduled updates like you do normally anyway.

While I'm at it, monthly bandwidth statistics are abnormally high. So, I guess I should say - hello new readers. Unless some of our old fans just decided to re-read every comic again to feed their TEMP folder.


October 25th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:38 am \\

I apologize for the lack-lustre update, but I'm smack-dab in the middle of exams, and I've also started working on something that a lot of people would rather me work on over Twinkfish, anyway.

What is that, you say? Well, a few people will read this and smile to themselves, because they know what I'm talking about. The rest of you will just have to be angry at me for being out of the loop.

I'm multitasking a party in ROSE whilst typing this, so I'd better scram.

Yes, I'm picking up ROSE again. Don't judge me.


October 21st, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:47 am \\

It was nice taking a one-time break from the storyline since, as Lang pointed out to me, it has been a while since we made an appearance, but it's back on track for us once again.

I've been trying now, more than ever, to get back into writing, and smack-dab in the middle of exams is not a good time to try this. But hell, if I can get around to this intention of mine, it will be a treat for everyone. Even me.

So I've been watching the show Chrno Crusade lately, and I finished the 24-episode-long series today, by finishing off the last four in one sitting.

The ending was really moving. So much so, that it moved me. I haven't felt such an emotion in years, but this cartoon managed to do so much.

A few of the episodes when analyzied stand-alone are not that great (I really did not like the Christmas special) but as for considering the series as a whole - I've yet to watch a better animé. Which is why I'm going to get myself dragged into Full Metal Alchemist now. I'll see how I like that.


October 18th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 2:32 pm \\

Has anyone seen this video that's floating around, yet? I'll warn you, it's not for the faint of heart. There's some very unique stuff going on around our world.

I have a Calculus test in a few hours, and after that, I'll be looking for some relaxing activity. Be sure to check the rants section tomorrow, incase I've carried through with something that's been bothering me.

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:39 am \\

Lang actually helped bouncing ideas for this comic, and I'll leave you to decide for yourself whether it was a good or a bad idea. Personally, I love the result. It also looks significantly different from what everyone is used to seeing, in my opinion. Perhaps this heralds a new age for Twinkfish. But hell, after 100 comics, I really ought to have improved something, and somewhere.

That's right, everyone. I have now drawn 100 comics for this website. I never thought my resolve would perservere this long, either. TF never really got the publicity it needs, and as such we have a rather minute audience, and that has always been enough motivation for me to quit in the past. Yet...times, and people, change. I need to stop giving up.

Not to mention I do find a mild joy in making these comics from time to time. And maybe, just maybe, some day we'll get a huge break. For now, I'll cling to these delusions of grandeur.


October 14th, 2006

Posted by Lang! // Posted at 5:47 pm \\

Greetings, everyone! I know I've been absent lately, but assignments have been keeping my tied down, and I certainly haven't been investing every waking moment into Half-Life 2. All the pages are back up to schedule, yadda yadda yadda.

Anyways, I've been wanting to go on a little tangent for awhile about Mr. Jack Thompson. Every gamer knows him, and Lord Garvar has quite accurately titled him the "#1 enemy of the entertainment industry." The fact is, the guy's out of his mind. He believes that kids who play violent video games like Grand Theft Auto will grow up to be murderers, and tries his hardest to link murders to video games. Now, some of his points are valid. I fully agree that minors should not be allowed to buy M rated video games on their own. I also believe that if their parent is with them and gives their consent, that the minor should be allowed to obtain said games. Now, if a parent says "here, you can have this" and the kid kills someone, what kind of idiocy says "just because he had the game it's the company's fault"? As soon as you decide to blame the company, anyone with half a brain should be able to realize the real problem. The parent bought the child the game. Now, at this point, you're given two options: admit that you're a bad parent because you failed to educate your child on the difference between right and wrong, or admit that you're a bad parent because you neglected to ensure that your child indulged in healthy entertainment. I'm not saying I have a problem with GTA games, but if a 6 year old is playing it and his parents haven't taught him that it's just a game and in real life killing and stealing is bad, then what part of that equation puts the company at fault? Even when video games like that could be sold to minors, you'd have to be a pretty neglective parent to not realize what your child was doing in his/her spare time. Now, I can see how some people could support Jack Thompson's arguments. After all, people are afraid of what they don't understand. Consider video games as our generation's rock 'n roll. But this is no excuse to completely ignore common sense. Now, the ultimate point I have saying that video games do not turn kids into murderers is this (and is completely original; I thought it up): This man has seemingly done his best to anger what he has deemed the most dangerous group of people on the planet, but he's still alive. If we're all as violent as you say we are Jack, why hasn't one of us gotten a sniper rifle and put a bullet through your head? God knows with all our years of video gaming we're perfect snipers. You're living proof that what you're saying is a lie. Maybe you should stage your own death, and get some gamer to shoot you in the head for the 10 000 dollars you're offering to charity. I'm sure it counts; you'd be doing something beneficial for everyone.
Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:30 am \\

Nobody's been online to give you the Diablo II skit, but it will come in due time.

I think everyone cares about the comic more, anyway.


October 12th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:20 am \\

First of all, I drew a new signature for myself, completely from scratch, to better accomodate some 'changes' to my physical appearence. Representin' the gang, yo! TFM for life.

Speaking of TFM, the usual gang of dipshits was on Diablo II for one of our two weekly 'sessions', and unfortunately, Lang bailed out early to miss a great invention: Diablo II baseball.

Here you can find the map of the playing field, and in case you've never played Baseball (or Diablo II) before, here is a legend of the field.

We have made some ground rules for the basis of the sport, however as you'll notice, a player is missing from this scene (That'd be Underwood, whom was required to leave the game prior to making these images), and the minimum players required to play is 3, so we'll delve into the ground rules later.

Keep it locked!


October 11th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 9:14 am \\

Ha, damnit. I went to bed early last night, completely forgetting to upload the comic. I've been pretty under the weather lately.

But I hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving - atleast, all the Canadian and whatever other nationalities celebrate this holiday at this time. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a wretched fiend to take care of up on Mt. Nibel before class begins.


October 7th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:37 am \\

Shitsticks! About half an hour after I had shut my computer down, I realized that I had forgotten entirely about this! Halfway through my late-night work-out, I clued in.

There was a lot I wanted to say about today's comic, but I want to sleep, so I'll be brief.

It's something to snicker at, but I realize this comic is not all that funny. I must have thought about 6 or 7 better scripts as I was drawing it, but I thought, to Hell with starting over. The artwork looks nice. That's good enough for me.

Also, Thanksgiving weekend. This will be my first time visiting home since I moved, so after an interlude over a delicious meal, hopefully I will be spending the night at Undy's. That should be some good ol' TFM fun. I'll be back here by Sunday afternoon, but I don't think I'll bother posting anything until Tuesday. So, see you all again at that time.


October 5th, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 1:30 am \\

Okay. This post was deleted, because I over-wrote it by accident while doing October 7th's post. Here is your link, though. Oops.


October 3rd, 2006

Lord Garvar here. // Posted at 12:55 am \\

I've got some fanservice for today's comic. Also, moved September, yatta yatta, you know the drill.
